Crafting Great Ritual
I & II
Have you ever attended a public sabbat or esbat and wondered what was going on, or why did these people do this? Or have you been crafting your own rituals for years and are looking to add some zest and inspiration to what you already do? Our Ritual Craft Series may be what you are looking for. Our class series will begin with the very basics and then show you how to craft meaningful rituals for your life and your community!
We will cover topics including:
Ritual.... what is it and why do we do it?
Circle Etiquette and how to meaningfully participate in group rituals
Aspects of ritual including correspondences, timing, environment, attitude, music, meditation, altars, tools, costumes, and safety
Rites of Passage, Esbats, Sabbats, and Rituals for personal Evolvement.
Aunt Clara's and Kitchen Sink rituals, good intentions gone horribly wong.
Crafting Solitary Rituals
Planning, crafting and performing group rituals
KISS Principal
This is a multi class set over the term of six weeks. You are encouraged to attend all of the classes to obtain maximum benefit. Homework will be assigned for your growth, there will also be some hands on work during class.
This class is offered free to the public, we do ask that you rsvp for attendance. Donations are accepted which go towards funding our public sabbats.
Class are on Mondays from 7-9pm
September 4, 11, 18, 25
October 2 & 9
The class is Hosted By Nyt for more information check here: